SICCOGEN is specialized in the management of all energy projects
Who we are ?
Who we are ?
SICCOGEN is a company specializing in the management of all projects related to renewable energies. SICCOGEN is Assistance to Project Ownership (AMO), is a business provider, does business development and seeks investors on any type of project related to renewable energies.
SICCOGEN works for organizations, public / private companies, humanitarian organizations. The company is located in Paris.

SICCOGEN can realize a project from idea to maintenance by considering engineering, construction, training as shown in the diagram on the left, the order of succession of the stages of a project.
SICCOGEN works with respect for its customers, in complete confidentiality and in the respect of the rules of each country where your projects are located, in France, in Europe or in Africa.
A presentation of SICCOGEN’s activities can be found in pdf file by clicking on the links below :
Engineering, Consulting, Construction and Project Management Company in New Energies, SICCOGEN is a company created in May 2019 and managed by CEO / Founder Khadidiatou CAMARA, Engineer-Economist in Renewable Energies and Energy Engineering, graduated from the Polytechnic School of Montpellier.
SICCOGEN offers services relating to project studies
SICCOGEN offers services relating to project studies in renewable energies such as solar photovoltaic, solar thermal, wind power, geothermal energy, biomass / waste, hydropower in the transport sector, trade, industry, agriculture, education, building energy renovation. SICCOGEN also works on applied research and development projects, issues related to energy storage (electrical, hydrogen), intelligent management of consumption, decentralized production, the electricity grid, optimization of energy systems, to smart city concept. During the study of a project, SICCOGEN also do the environmental assessment and work with the regulations related to the subject of the project. In partnership with construction companies in all of the activities sectors, SICCOGEN follows the project from study to exploitation (construction, commissioning, maintenance …).
Our expertise to prepare and to realize your energy project
Our expertise to prepare and to realize your energy project according to the project deadline can be summarized according to the diagram below :
The objective is to advise the client on the best solutions for his/her project at the economic, technical, environmental, legal and regulatory level. SICCOGEN is ready to work as a subcontractor on a project, too in partnership or for public organizations, private companies, humanitarian organizations at the national and international level (Europe, Africa, Asia, America) in fields of activities mentioned above.
The SICCOGEN company and its partners will be happy to support you in your projects from the idea to their achievements.

Do you have a project ?
This helps to ensure quality, timing and that we are all working towards the same goal.
Khadidiatou CAMARA
CEO / Founder of SICCOGEN
Engineer – economist in renewable energies and energy engineering, graduated from the Polytechnic School of Montpellier (France) in 2016.